A significant collaboration was forged with local manufacturers and tobacco growers, with the main objective of producing Premium cigars with the highest quality in the industry, focused on giving their cigars a unique touch and flavor. Characteristics of the Nicaraguan cigar.
Cigar Port is a leading supplier of authentic, premium cigars from some of the most respected producers in the world. Whether you're looking for Cuban or non-Cuban blends, you can count on us to be your one-stop shop for variety, freshness, and flavor.
Our Cigars are produced entirely on Nicaraguan land, they are mainly grown on farms in Jalapa, Condega, Ometepe and Estelí. Our Master Blenders, in their commitment to excellence, embarked on the task of creating new leagues thinking about our most demanding smokers.
Abounding in richness with nutty notes and hints of earth and spice, the Estelí-grown habano wrapper joins forces with the well-cured and aged Nicaraguan blend within the shaft to create a worthwhile experience on your palate as you consider the day’s achievements and lay plans for the next!
Our tireless search for the perfect blend bore fruit when we discovered the perfect balance of the combination of fine leaf Seco, Viso, Banda, Ligero and Capa Tobacco from the intense sandy loam soils of Jalapaín Nicaragua, mixed with imported wrappers from Mexico and Ecuador
Toro Premium Nicaragua se caracteriza por sus hojas de tabaco en la tripa junto con un capote procedente de la región de Arapiraca en Brasil, que aporta un equilibrio excepcional a la mezcla. El broche final lo aporta una capa cultivada a la sombra en la región de Jalapa que contribuye con un toque especiado manteniendo su sabor tan característico y equilibrado.
Discover the elegance and tradition of leather art from Masaya, Nicaragua, with our exclusive collection of handbags. Each piece is meticulously crafted by skilled local artisans, who fuse centuries-old techniques with contemporary designs to offer you unique and authentic accessories.
Explore the craftsmanship of Masaya, Nicaragua, with our exquisite selection of leather wallets. From classic designs to modern styles, our wallets reflect Masaya's rich cultural heritage and craftsmanship. Discover the quality and authenticity of our leather wallets, and take a piece of Nicaraguan charm with you wherever you go.
Immerse yourself in the world of luxury and sophistication with our exquisite leather cigar case, direct from Nicaragua. Made from the highest quality leather, our cigar case are the perfect complement for cigar aficionados looking to preserve and display their cigars in an elegant manner. Discover the art and excellence of Nicaragua with our stunning leather cigar case.